Janta Pustakalay - kutri.in

Janta Pustakalay, Kutri

Janta Pustakalay, Kutri was laid out in the extended time of 1956 Promotion by Shree Sahdev Singh, the Gram Panchayat Mukhiya Kutri, which was introduced by then the Lalit Narayan Mishra, Association Bureau Priest, Govt of India.
Janta Pustakalay building was built close to the More established Kutri Gram Panchayat Bhawan, It comprises of a Perusing room lobby and an Office, a roundabout banner establishment is likewise situated in the focal point of the library premises to raise the tricolor. The library stayed focal point of information for over 40 years, because of disregard, sick interest and terrible upkeep the structure condition disintegrated and the library was deserted, in most recent 10 years the Janta Pustakalay decreased to a simple harmed working with Janta Pustakalay Ested 1956 engraved over it.

सा विद्या या विमुक्तये – विष्णु पुराण

To restore the Janta Pustakalay and reestablish its magnificence, on eleventh November 2015, on the promising day of Diwali, a library is re opened in the neglected Medical clinic working of the village by the drive of Kutri Sevak Sangh. In the underlying stage in excess of 200 books been given and almost 300 books bought for the library. Library stays open over the course of the day for every one of the locals. Books are accessible for all the age bunch individuals beginning from the Rigveda to Manohar Pothi and from Pratiyogita Darpan to Suman Saurabh.
Our drawn out plan is to resuscitate the Janta Pustakalay and reestablish its greatness as the focal point of information for the village.

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