Kutri Madhya Vidyalaya - kutri.in

Kutri Madhya Vidyalaya (Middle School Kutri)

It has got 8 homerooms for informative purposes.
The wellspring of Savoring Water the school is hand siphon and it is useful.
The school has 1 young men latrine and it is useful. furthermore, 1 young ladies latrine and it is useful.
The school has a library and has 900 books in its library.
Clinical examination is likewise set up for its understudies once in a year.
The school doesn’t require incline for debilitated kids to get to homerooms.
The school doesn’t have a PC for instructing and learning purposes.
The school isn’t having a PC supported learning lab.
The school has gotten the one time kitchen gadgets award.
The school is giving noontime dinner which is ready in the school premises.

School Foundation
The school comprises of Grades from 1 to 8
The school is co-instructive and it doesn’t have an appended pre-essential area.
The school is non-private in nature and isn’t utilizing school working as a shift-school.
Hindi is the mode of directions in this school.
In this school scholarly meeting begins in April.

Current Educators list
As of now school doesn’t have a normal Dean. The school has 5 ordinary educators ready. The school has 2 female instructors. It has no Agreement Instructor. The school doesn’t have non-instructing staff. Unequivocally, 5 instructors of school are having graduate or more degrees. Then again, all instructors have proficient certification(s)/degree(s). The Understudy Educator Proportion (PTR) of the school is 71:1 and the Understudy Study hall Proportion (SCR), 44:1.

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